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Group of people sitting around a table for an Inclusion training

Enhance Your Organization's Impact


Empowering Human Service Providers and Agencies
to Support Individuals with Disabilities & Their Families

At MERGE, we specialize in offering an array of innovative training options to address your specific community inclusion goals. Through collaborative efforts, we tailor on-site or online learning experiences that are unique to your organization. Our focus is on empowering your staff and the families you support, facilitating seamless access to a wide range of inclusive recreational and community programs and events.

Group of people sitting posing for a picture


Explore our extensive selection of topics tailored for your organization's needs. Should you have requirements beyond the options listed, MERGE will partner with you to guarantee every aspect is addressed. Our trainings, whether delivered on-site or online, prioritize interactivity, ensuring optimal engagement, retention, and enduring effectiveness.

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Successful Community  Inclusion:
What it is (and isn’t)?

In community programs, "Inclusion" can be misleading. Understand MERGE's Principles of Inclusion and explore participation models: Specialized, Adaptive, Integrated, Peer Buddy, and Authentic Inclusion, weighing their pros and cons.

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Accessing Community Inclusion

In this session, we'll examine the top ten strategies for effectively engaging with community programs, laying the groundwork for meaningful participation, a sense of belonging, and the opportunity to cultivate friendships.

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Promoting Friendship -- The Role of Families of Children Without Disabilities

This workshop is for families of students without disabilities, focusing on the importance of genuine friendships for children with diverse abilities. Gain practical advice, hear real-life stories, and learn strategies to support your children's friendships. 

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Building Community Through Meaningful Participation &  

This workshop will take attendees through the principles of Active Support, and understanding when, why, and how to use them. We will work to build community within your agency offerings for times when individuals are taking part in groups or classes run internally.

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Words Matter: Let’s Get On The Same Page with Inclusion

This session begins with person-first language and explores disability etiquette, emphasizing positive and empowering communication. It concludes with a discussion on the term "special" and its impact on the perception and support of individuals with disabilities as valued members of our community.

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Teamwork & Stepping Into Each Other’s Shoes

For agencies with multiple departments but one common goal of offering quality services to people with disabilities, this segment provides exercises in teamwork, and learning about other department’s values, strengths and struggles. With clearer understanding comes better teamwork.

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Mandala Meditative Exercise

A self-care, art-based activity providing participants an easy to replicate stress  management tool and activity. Ideal for family members or direct support  professionals.

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Making Your On-Line Enrichment Programing Disability Inclusive 

 Learn inclusive strategies to ensure everyone meaningfully participates in your on-line educational offerings. Review strategies to engage individuals with diverse abilities to connect, learn, and play virtually.

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Advocacy, Belonging and Community: The ABC’S of Community Membership 

 For direct support professionals, understanding advocacy essentials is crucial. Let’s start by breaking down ableism and allyship, and your role as an advocate promoting access, inclusion, and community belonging.

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Inclusion & Friendships:  A Guide for Self Advocates

Interested in joining community activities with like-minded individuals and possibly making new friends? Start by identifying your strengths, passions, and talents. Explore how you can meaningfully participate in community programs, while learning skills to make and be a good friend!


"Lisa DrennAn gets my highest recommendation as an expert in the field of diverse Abilities Inclusion. Her unique ability to recognize, understand, and explain complex concepts, and relationships, has inspired how we thInk, and most importantly, our actions when working with this valuable population. Her coaching sessions are high-energy and filled with positive reinforcements. her passion, compassion, respect, and commitment to the Diverse Abilities population is unparalleled."


- Abigail P. Parilla, CEO, The Arc of the South Shore

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